Friday, November 18, 2011

My Week In Instagram--Insta Friday

My did the week fly by!  Between putting together photo orders, playing with my new iPhone and saying "bon voyage" to the soccer coach we've been hosting for the past 6 months, it was a busy (and a bit sad) week!

Here is a recap through the eyes of Instagram........

After months of waiting, my iPhone arrived. Woo Hoo!  Watch out Instagram, you are about to be flooded with crisp, clean photos!

Nothing says "holidays" more than a batch of 44!  This is a family tradition passed down to me from my Ukrainian grandfather.  You can get the recipe by visiting my sister site, Parent Grapevine.  

I was also invited to a blogger event for a new shopping app...Savvy.   Oh my goodness this is one fabulous app that is going to save you money.  More on this to come (visit us on Monday for a full review!)......But check out this cute mug that I'm kicking myself for NOT buying.  Must. Go. Back!

I was so excited to get my photo order delivered from my printer earlier than expected.  Everything turned out great and I was thrilled to make my deliveries.........

And our week ended on a sad note, our very good friend and favorite UK soccer coach is headed back to England.  We hosted him for 6 months and he became a part of our family.  My kids were so attached.  Here we are at the airport......We are all going to miss him!

How was your week?

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