Thursday, November 17, 2011


I was introduced to RadLab while at Shutter Sister's Camp by our texture lovin' friend Kim Klassen.   She raved about it  and suggested we give their 30 DAY free test drive a spin.   And I have to tell you I LOVE it!

RadLab is an easy way to add photo effects to your images without complicated lists of actions or presets.  It is an interface that provides "stylets" and lets you try different combinations until you find the perfect recipe.   The best part is you get to actually see thumbnail previews of all the stylets you are using in your library.  You can even adjust each stylet to create your own unique twist.

Here is a sample photo where RadLab helped save the day.  The photo was underexposed but with just a few clicks, I was able to get an image I really liked.

Here is a photo with a variety of stylets in the review section, just to give you an idea of how the thumbnails look.

RadLab is compatible with Photoshop Elements 8 and up and Photoshop CS3 and up.  To see a tutorial from Kim Klassen, visit Shutter Sisters.  Give their 30 Day trial a spin, we have a feeling you are going to LOVE it!  My 30 Day trial ends in two days and I'll be signing up for sure! 

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