Tuesday, November 22, 2011

BEHIND THE LENS: Liz LaBianca, Frisco, Texas

We found Liz LaBianca when surfing the internet one night.  She is a contributor at a great site for baby/child/family photography inspiration called Inspire Me Baby.   At Inspire Me Baby, Liz is usually the one asking photographers questions but this time it was her turn to be interviewed.  :)

As you will see below, Liz definitely is an inspiration to us all.  She started her business just over a year ago and through hard work and positive attitude (do what you love) has grown her business in the Frisco, Texas area.  We love her fun, whimsical images that truly capture the personalities of those she photographs and we know you will too.

Thank you Liz for letting us turn the tables and interview YOU this week.  It was a great pleasure!  And now without further adieu, we bring you Liz Labianca Photography..........

Your Name: Liz LaBianca
Your studio/business name: Liz LaBianca Photography
Location: Frisco, Texas

Your Style:

In 50 words or less, how would your clients describe your photography?
I would say that  I am more lifestyle with a touch of Whimsy.  Even in my sessions where their needs to be more direction and poses (older kids, seniors, ),  I love the photos of people when you can see their personality shine through the photo.

Are you self-taught or classroom trained?
Completely Self- taught1  I admit I was that photographer  who  started my company without realizing what a catchlight was, or what open shade was. I had never opened an editing program. Let's just say that it was a jam-packed year of learning.

How many years have you been a professional photographer? 1 year.

Where do you want to take your photography business in 5 years? I have to be honest - I try not to look to far in the future. I am simply happy with where I am. I do have goals of what I would like to learn. This year is that I would like to learn off-camera flash, and incorporate Videography into my sessions.

Is there a photographer who inspires your style?  I really tried to find my own style this year and steered clear of reading other Photography Blogs . Personally- though I love Arden Prucha Photography, Jenny Watt Photography, Jellybean Pictures.   I actually head over to Pinterst to get my Inspiration on. 

Favorite location to take photos? Anywhere outdoors. I typically head to California and New York once a summer. Which allows me to step out of my comfort zone and tryout different "backdrops"

Favorite vacation spot? Pretty Much anywhere with my kids. I am "that" mom who has never traveled without the kids.  So at this stage of their Life - they LOVE the beach  so it would be anywhere that has a beach.

Your Business

What was the pivotal moment when you decided to become a photographer? Something literally clicked last October. I  had a simple epiphany.  I realized  that in Art - there is no such thing as failure.  Sounds trite, but it made me realize why was I so afraid of doing what I have always truly loved . Art is subjective. If I loved it …and loved what I was doing - then there was no way I could fail.

What’s the best marketing tip that has worked for you? Word of Mouth and FACEBOOK!!  Facebook has been the best way that I have been able to get my work out there.

What’s the most surprising thing a customer has asked you? I get a lot of requests to fix Bald Spots, Remove Braces,  Touch -up their Roots.

Favorite print lab? Mpix is my go -to Lab.

Your Gear:
Are you Canon or Nikon (or –other): Nikon D300s was my first Camera and I just upgraded to the 700. I shoot with both Cameras during my shoots and use my 24-700 mm and my 70 -200.

If you could only have one lens on a photo shoot, what would it be? I LOVE my 70 -200. It was hard to get use to it in the beginning because it is such a beast. But I love it so much!

What brand bag do you carry your camera in? No Bells and Whistles here. Just a back pack that I purchased when I started. I Am dreaming of the Chevron Ketti Bag though. ..hopefully my husband is reading this interview.

What gear would we find in your camera bag? Nikon 300s, 700 and Lenses I have the 105 Macro, 35 mm 1.8mm, 50 1.4, 24-70 mm and 70 -200. I would LOVE the 35 mm 1.4 and will be saving up for that one next.

Are you a natural light fan or strobe fan?  I LOVE LOVE LOVE natural light. I tried a strobe once and was not a fan at all.

Are you PC or Mac? Mac

Your Tips and Tricks

What post processing tools do you use? Lightroom and Photoshop CS5. I finally figured out a successful workflow using both programs and it has made the editing process so much more seamless.

Do you shoot in Raw or Jpeg? Raw

Best advice you would give your 20-year old self? Have faith in your journey - these hard times are just life's way of challenging you to figure out who you are truly meant to be.

Best advice you would give a new photographer? There is so much I want to say to new photographers just starting out. The best thing that made me better - is that I was like a machine… I lived and breathed my Camera for a complete year. It was worn EVERYday around my neck as I learned to shoot manual. And with EVERY mistake that I made - a new lesson was learned.

What site do you use for your photography and why? I host Through Bludomain 

What Else Should We Know?

What was your worst photography experience? The only thing that stands out was shooting a family who didn't want to be there.

What would surprise people most about you, whether it is photography related or not?
I just asked my husband and he came up with " you don't eat squash" and "you can't park"…

Tell us something else you’d like us to know:  My business wouldn't have gotten off the ground without 
the help of my husband - I dare say he is a better wife and mother than I am. He is pretty Phenomonal.. ( again if my husband is reading this - I am not saying this because I really want the Chevron Ketti bag - I swear)

And just because we want to know you better, fill in the blanks....

Three things I can’t live without….My family, my camera, my new friend Siri (iphone 4s)
I wish I had more…..kids .. oh how I hope my heart can be filled with one more child.
The best thing about being a photographer is…knowing that my photos will be in people lives forever . My photos are  part of  their Time Capsule.
The most important lesson I ever learned was….Even if you sometimes can't see the light at the end of the tunnel - keep moving forward because it is there.
My favorite time of day is…6 AM. .. I am a  Total morning person and I LOVE when the kids jump on my bed and snuggle up. Pure Joy. 

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