Monday, July 16, 2012

Vertical Storyboard Freebie

I love finding free storyboards online.  There are so many generous photographers/artists out there that share these little gifts.  I have a Pinterest board with a bunch of sites listed that you should check out.  You'll find all kinds of great storyboards to help you display your photos.

Here is one I recently created for my post on a photowalk I took in Switzerland.  You can download this 6 photo storyboard here.  We also have a few others that we've created over the past year that you are welcome to download as well.  You can find a 3 photo collage  here another 3 photo version here, and a 9 photo Instagram storyboard version too.  


  1. I love this storyboard. It offers such versatility and is such a lovely presentation for your beautiful Switzerland pics!!

    1. Thank you so much Lissa. I greatly appreciate your kind words.

  2. Your storyboard is so lovely..such a great way to display more photo's of a special event. Everything you share is greatly appreciate. I am so new at all of this...Thanks so much.

    1. You are so welcome. Thanks for visiting the blog today. :)

  3. These story boards are fantastic. I'm now a follower of yours on Pinterest. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to post a few more storyboards in the upcoming weeks.


Thank you for your kind words. We appreciate and read each and every one.