Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Behind The Scenes--5 Questions Party

I'm participating in a terrific blogging e-course from Kim Klassen and Xanthe Berekeley called Behind the Scenes.  Throughout the past few weeks, we've been covering all kinds of great topics from the creative process to blogging, to creating image layouts and blog buttons, to developing interesting content.  All with the underlying theme of blogging from the heart and sharing your passion.

Today I'm joining my fellow bloggers in a fun 5 Questions party.   I think this is such a great idea!

So here goes.....

5 Questions

1. What makes you happy?….. in 5 words or less….?    (Aside from my family & friends--that is a given)  music, photography, books, sunshine & wine (as in a glass of pinot)
2. Which talent would you most like to have?  I'd love to play guitar and be in a band.
3. Which words or phrases do you overuse most?  I use the word "fab" a lot and the phrase, "Did you brush your teeth?"   (I have 3 boys).
4. What is your favourite movie, book or both?    I love the book Water for Elephants by Sarah Gruen and my favorite movie would be Best in Show--that movie is hilarious.  
5. If you could go anywhere in the world for a creative retreat where might it be?  Bali  (I backpacked there for 6 weeks for my honeymoon and would love to go back).
Want to join in on the fun?  Leave your answers or a link to your answers in the comment section below. 


  1. Oh, how fun Kristina, backpacking in Bali for your honeymoon! We went to Disney World lol! We were pretty young just out of school and my hubby had never been there. I have to say Bali sounds great! Maybe for our 30th.

  2. Good answers. Like your blog.

  3. Great list! You have a terrific blog!

  4. Wonderful list...and lol about what you always ask your boys. :)

  5. I agree - Water for Elephants was great!!

  6. great list. i have three boys too, all grown men now. i no longer have to tell them to brush their teeth, but still have to ask them to take the garbage out when they come visit!

  7. Love your answers, Kristina! Another mom of three boys, although mine are grown but I can definitely relate! Looking forward to seeing you again at Camp!

  8. I enjoyed reading your answers, looking forward to meeting you in Palm Springs

  9. Your answers were wonderful to read...your "happy" things are all things I love, too - I nodded yes throughout! lol

    And you reminded me how much I wish I could play the drums - maybe we could start a band? :)

    My daughter dreams of going to Bali - how lucky you are to have been there. Thanks so much for sharing, Kristina! Your blog is looking fantastic.

  10. Water for elephants was great I loved it too!Thanks for Sharing!
    PS I love the Title of your blog!

  11. HA! Best in Show!!! And guess where I'm from? Akron, Ohio...where an ex-boyfriend of Cookie's lived (how many did she have? hundreds!)...the scene where the bratty kid holds Winkie hostage! They stopped there on their way to the dog show! I keep forgetting Bali is a place...I always think bras! Love your answers and your style!

    Denise in Akron, Ohio ~ from BTS

  12. 6 week backpacking honeymoon sounds awesome.

  13. That does sound wonderful. Backpacking in Bali.

  14. oh my goodness...backpacking in Bali, how fun!! I just love your blog! very nice!

  15. Best in Show -good choice! I need to watch that again.

  16. great list! You are the adventurous type I see. Helps to be married to one also.

  17. Kristina, we are renting a house on the beach in Oxnard, down near L.A., so not in your area. Looking forward to seeing you again at camp!

  18. I like the word 'fab' ;) and I must take a look at the movie you recommend - I do like a larf! Like your header title very much and the colours. Fun looking at all these posts :)

  19. Thank you everyone for the comments. It has been fun looking at everyone's posts.

  20. Bali sounds great to me. I still have to do this exercise. Your blog looks great!

  21. oh Kristina... love that... fab..and did you brush your teeth.... such a fun response.....

    what a glorious honeymoon... 'sigh'...

    thanks for being a part of BTS.

    xo, Kim
    p.s. i was by yesterday and must have missed confirming my comment.... if it appears... excuse the double... 'smile'....

  22. I love your answers! what a great honeymoon idea and love your friday comp!


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