Saturday, July 14, 2012

Iya Traore, Alex and a Spinning Soccer Ball

My son was enamored by Iya Traore, a  freestyler street performer  that we happened to stumble upon at Sacre Coeur while we were in Paris.  I wish I would have snapped some photos of his amazing talent but I was too enthralled watching him that I forgot to take photos! He climbed a lamp post while doing balancing tricks with a soccer ball.  It was a amazing.  Check out this video from Iya's website of him preforming below, I know you will be blown away by his talent.

Anyway, Alex was so awestruck and impressed that he wanted to go down and meet him (and drop a few well deserved Euros in his bucket). Iya was very gracious and shook hands with each person who ran up to reward him for his fantastic performance (and there were dozens).

Alex was especially lucky because Iya not only shook his hand but gave him a huge thrill by involving him in a piece of his act.....balancing a spinning ball on a pen. Watching Alex's reaction was priceless. He was grinning from ear to ear and utterly amazed. I think it was the highlight of  Alex's was definitely one of mine.


  1. Good one. Personal, interesting and amazing. You provided the right background. Thumbs up.

    1. thanks so was a treasured moment for sure.

  2. This is wonderful - your son must've been so thrilled! I love that you captured this...thank you for sharing!

  3. I have had the same moment where I missed capturing a great photo or video in awe. Both of you were lucky, especially your son. The experience is priceless. Watching from the video, is Iya a professional soccer player too?

    1. I don't think that he is a professional soccer player. But watching him, you would think he was. Thank you for stopping by.


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