Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July-Get Those Fireworks Photos!!

ISO 200, f 5.6, 6 second shutter speed (used bulb setting)

ISO 200, f/5, 5 second shutter speed (used bulb setting)

Happy 4th of July!  We hope you all have a very fun and safe holiday.  Remember to take some fireworks photos and to share them with us!  We are excited to see what images you capture.  If you need any ideas on what your settings should be check out the links below to several sites that provide all the details.

Digital Photography School-- we love DPS, they are always a favorite place for getting great info and tutorials--fireworks included.

National Geographic --you'll find great tips and gorgeous photos to get you inspired.
Ken Rockwell--he has a no frills tutorial with all the pertinent info, including camera settings (but no photo examples).

This Week in Photos--gives you all the info necessary to help you capture all that dazzling light!

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