Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Photos from Paris--Photo Ops You Don't Want to Miss When Traveling to the City of Lights

Last night I got home from our family vacation to Europe.  We were away for two weeks and boy did it go by fast.   We had an amazing time visiting Paris, Lausanne, and Tuscany.    The sites, the food, the was so fantastic!

As you can imagine, I have come home with compact flash cards brimming with photos.  I think I took over 2500 photos in all (many are duplicates, but that is fodder for another post).  

I thought I'd share a few of my favorite images with you from the various locations over the next couple of weeks---I promise I'll do some major weeding.

So let's start from the beginning of our trip with images from the City of Lights.....Paris!   I know this might sound crazy, but before we left on our trip, I looked at various photos of Paris on Flickr to inspire me.  I love getting inspiration from others and this little bit of pre-travel photo research provided me with loads of ideas and a checklist of must have shots!  Here are just a few.......

I love Paris' cafe culture.  There are cute cafes on every corner.  

Tuileries Gardens and the ferris wheel

Paris rooftops.  I lucked out with the addition of these two people in my shot.  

The Louvre Museum at night

The iconic Eiffel Tower

The clock from the Musee D'Orsay

I love the metro signs.  They are so cool and make for great photos!

Carrousels are everywhere in Paris and I love the combination of the Eiffel Tower and the colorful carrousel.


  1. I love the colors and the layout is perfect. Makes me want to go back to Paris again someday. I loved the Metro signs too.

    1. Thank you very much Sarah. I totally want to go back. Next time, without kiddies. :)

  2. oh Krstina...what a wonderful vacation! and your photos are amazing! i love the idea about looking at the flickr site for inspration before you left...i will have to remember that one!

  3. Great photos. But Paris makes us look good. Paris is so photogenic. One could stay in one block and take 100 photos. This inspires me to get my Paris photos out. Your processing is so fun. I hope you had as good of a time as I had. Oh that I could go back.

    1. So true....there are so many great photos to be had in Paris!

  4. it looks like you had an amazing time, I love your shots and your blog!

    1. Thanks so much Justine. It was a fabulous time. And thank you for the kind words about the blog. :)

  5. Lovely I visited many of the places you went some years ago around every corner is a photo. Love your website easy to get around and lots of lovely eye candy
    Visiting from BTS and Beyond Layers xx

    1. Thank you VIv for the encouraging words. And yes, Paris is a photographer's dream.

  6. Great pics! Makes me want to go to Paris!!

    1. Robyn, you should definitely go one day. I so want to go back. It is a beautiful city.

  7. I've poured through flickr every time before we've gone on vacation somewhere! It's great to get different ideas for angles and perspectives! Love the pictures and the blog header is lovely!! What a great tagline you have. ; )

    1. Glad to hear that others do their photo research too. :) I love the wonderful ideas that Flickr provides! Thanks for the kind words.

  8. Kristina, have you heard of the "Paris in July" link party? You can read about it here:
    I'm working on a post for this as well... check it out! Your photos are perfect for it, I'm sure.


Thank you for your kind words. We appreciate and read each and every one.