Thursday, June 14, 2012

Storyboards--Websites that Offer Free Templates

Created using Paint the Moon Photography's Free template see link below

I have had a several photo shoots over the past few weeks and I love putting together storyboards to post on my Facebook page and share with my clients.  While I know how to make them myself, I find that I just don't have the time to do it (and I seem to always have a bit of trouble getting the proportions right).

The great thing is there are a bunch of wonderful, giving photographers out there who have free templates for you to use.   I have pinned a bunch to a Storyboards board on Pinterest  and have listed a few of my favorites below.

Paint the Moon
Ginger Pixel
Pugley Pixel
Elizabeth Ross/on Clickin Moms
The CoffeeShop Blog

And we even have a few here at Moms Who Click.  Click here  for an Instagram version and here for a three horizontal shot storyboard.  If you have any great resources to share, please leave a comment below.  We are always looking for new designs.

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