Tuesday, June 12, 2012

BEHIND THE LENS: Emily Burke Photography, NYC and Denver

We are kicking off the summer with another great interview!  Our featured photographer, Emily Burke,  can be found shooting dreamy images in New York City or Denver (two cities we love!).   Thank you Emily for taking the time out to be a part of our series!   We love your inspiring work!

Your Name: Emily Burke     
Your studio/business name: Emily Burke Photography
Location: New York City (NYC) and Denver

Your Style

In 50 words or less, how would your clients describe your photography? I would hope my clients would describe my style as dreamy and painterly. I prefer to shoot outdoors and use only natural light. They would call me an environmental photographer and say that my images are happy yet soulful, colorful and magically lit.

Are you self-taught or classroom trained? Classroom trained with a lot of self-teaching. I have a BFA in Photography and worked as a freelance photographer and photo editor for the NY Daily News but I had to learn so much more on my own.

How many years have you been a professional photographer? I’ve only had a portrait business for 1 year but I’ve been shooting since sophomore year of High School (10 years ago).

Where do you want to take your photography business in 5 years? In 5 years I would love to have continued success and be doing exactly what I am doing right now.

Is there a photographer who inspires your style?  Who would that be? Many different photographers have inspired me at different points throughout my journey including Sally Mann, Meg Bitton and Ashley Skjaveland.

Favorite location to take photos? Central Park

Favorite vacation spot? Santorini (I went there on my honeymoon and can’t wait to go back)

Your Business

What was the pivotal moment when you decided to become a photographer? I always wanted to be a photographer, but just over a year ago at my editing job, I felt a creative void. I quit my job in May of last year and focused all of my efforts into the portrait business that I now have today
What’s the best marketing tip that has worked for you? Facebook is free marketing (for now), use it!!

What is the most surprising thing a customer has asked you?  If I could come back in 3 weeks!

Favorite print lab? WHCC

Your Gear

Are you Canon or Nikon (or –other): Canon!

If you could only have one lens on a photo shoot, what would it be? Hands down the 135mm 2.0

What brand bag do you carry your camera in? Lowepro

What gear would we find in your camera bag? The Canon 5D Mark III, the 135mm 2.0, the 85mm 1.2 and the 50mm 1.4 for newborns.

Are you a natural light fan or strobe fan? All natural light

Are you PC or Mac? Mac!

Your Tips and Tricks

What post processing tools do you use? Photoshop, Portraiture and Noiseware

Do you shoot in Raw or Jpeg? Raw

Best advice you would give your 20-year old self? Stop being so scared and stop doubting yourself

Best advice you would give a new photographer? Don’t try to skip steps. Don’t get frustrated when you aren’t the photographer you want to be yet, it takes a long time. Enjoy the entire journey!

What site do you use for your photography and why? I have a simple site by Pixpa. It is very easy to use and customizable for my needs.

What Else Should We Know? I’m a Taurus

What was your worst photography experience? My first few newborn shoots. I could never get the babies to sleep until I learned all the tricks.

What would surprise people most about you, whether it is photography related or not? I don’t have any kids.
And just because we want to know you better, fill in the blanks

Three things I can’t live without….Coffee, my husband (aka my business manager) and country music.
I wish I had more…..time to spend with all of my family and friends
The best thing about being a photographer is…getting to do what I love to do every single day
The most important lesson I ever learned was…. understanding natural light
My favorite time of day is…early evening (the golden hour)


  1. Awesome interview! And now I love Emily even more, because she is a country music lover. :-)

  2. Awesome. I love Emily Burke photography...shes kinda amazing!

  3. Emily is awesome! Great interview!


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