Monday, June 18, 2012

What Camera Gear to Pack When Traveling

I am so excited because in just a few weeks my family is going on a European vacation.   We are headed to Paris, Switzerland, and Tuscany!  Woo Hoo!

In preparation for our trip I've been reading plenty of guide books and pinning up a storm on Pinterest and of course shopping.  I've also been thinking a lot about what camera gear I am going to bring to document this trip.   While I'd love to bring ALL of my lenses, I don't want to lug everything around.  My goal is to bring only the gear I really need.  So after careful thought and consideration,  I've come up with the following list.

Camera Packing List

  • My Canon 7D Camera (of course)
  • 24-70 2.8 lens
  • 10-24  Tamron wide angle lens
  • Extra Battery 
  • Battery Charger
  • iPad 
  • iPad camera adapter
  • iPad charger
  • 4 Compact Flash cards
  • European Power Adaptor
  • Neutral Density Filter
  • Western Digital Passport mini-hard drive (for backing up photos on the go)
  • Epiphanie Clover bag to carry all my goodies
What do you think?  Am I missing anything?  

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