Monday, July 23, 2012

Ferris Wheels & Swings--Before and After

On our trip to Paris, the highlight for our kids was visiting the carnival at  Tuileries Gardens.  Every summer and winter, Tuileries Gardens holds a small carnival complete with rides, games, food and drink.   As you can imagine, my kids were thrilled to stumble upon this great find.   Yes, we have carnivals at home but not with the Eiffel Tower and Louvre as your backdrops.  

As a photographer, the carnival was a treasure trove of images.  I LOVED photographing the swings and ferris wheel from every angle.  I knew that once I got home, that I would spend hours playing with these photos using color effects, textures, etc. to create little pieces of photo art and of course, that is exactly what I did.

Below are a few examples of the fun I've been having with these images.  Mouse over  each photo to see the before.   Oh and if you wouldn't mind, leave me a comment letting me know which image you prefer, the before or after.........

Mouse over images to see before


  1. I really like them both, but I love the second one, just love the color tones you used. Way to go with the mouse over:)

    1. Thank you Sarah. I forgot to mention that I used one of Kim's textures on the swing photo and Radlab on the ferris wheel.

  2. SO cool!! I prefer the ferris wheel photo. It has that "old world" feel to it which resonates with me. It makes me think of an old postcard.

  3. Yes I love the second one I do love the vintage look. I must do the tutorial for the mouse over I'm getting there....

    1. Thanks Viv. You are going to love the mouse over tutorial. It is easier than you think. :)

  4. Wow...pretty cool. You are one step ahead of me. Haven't had the time to sit down and actually put this on my blog. Love it.
    Laurie @ pride in photos

    1. Once you give it a go, you'll be using it all the time. So great. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Awesome...way to go! You did a great job. I still have to give this mouse over a try :)

    1. It was easier than I thought it would be and I love the ability to show before and after photos this way.

  6. Oh wow, what a beautiful pair of photos! I can't imagine being able to go to Paris with my camera...maybe one day! In the first photo, I prefer the original...but in the second photo, I prefer the textured one. Thank so much for sharing. :)

    1. Thank you for stopping by and for your feedback. I think I like the original of the swings better too. :)

  7. what wonderful photos...they are beautiful. I love the processing work too! I think i like the second one the vintage looking. Oh i am so jealous of your wonderful trip! How many photos did you take?

    1. Thank you so much! I like the vintage looking ferris wheel better too. And I took around 2500 photos! Lots of duplicates because I wanted to make sure I had options when I came home for editing. My husband thought I was crazy! :)

  8. I can't decide either - I like the vintage look, but I also like the actual shots. All beautiful. The only thing missing!


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