Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What to Wear for Photo Shoot--Clothing Ideas for Boys

Last week, I posted a few color palettes to help inspire wardrobe choices for photo shoots.  I had so much fun creating them.  I found the template for making these boards at The CoffeeShop Blog.  You should definitely give them a try.  I'm sure you'll be hooked into making tons of these!

Anyway, I then had a client ask me for ideas on what to dress her boys in for her upcoming photo shoot.   Using my color palettes I put together the wardrobe board below and she loved it.   She said she never thought of using plaids before and loved the idea.  She ended up dressing her boys in a blue plaid color scheme and the photos turned out great.

If you would like a copy of the board below click here.   I love mixing solid colors with the plaids.  This board gives you a couple of different color options.  Enjoy!

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