Monday, June 25, 2012

Radlab Actions--Editing Made Simple

Oh my goodness, I can't believe it has taken me so long to share my latest love...RadLab.  If you are not familiar with RadLab, you must go and check them out and try out their very easy to use actions--which they actually call "Stylets."  

I tried them out after hearing about them at Camp Shutter Sisters (you can try it for free for 30 days) and bought it right away.  What I love about RadLab is that you can make adjustments to your photos with just one click.  You don't have to fiddle around with a multitude of layers and brushes, it is so easy to use.

The other great thing about Radlab is that you can see thumbnail previews before committing to the action  and you combine different "stylets" to get a more customized look.  If you want finer control, you can also tweak the results using the adjustment sliders.

Below are some examples of the photos I've tweaked using this fantastic tool.  If you are looking for a way to simplify your editing and workflow, then get Totally Rad!

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