Thursday, June 21, 2012

MCP Actions--Fantastic Tools for Editing Photos

MCP Photoshop Actions

I love MCP Actions.  They are a photographers best friend when it comes to making quick and easy photo edits.

I was recently given the opportunity to try out the Bag of Tricks collection and they truly worked magic on my images.  In just a matter of minutes, I was able to easily make adjustments to my photos.  From turning skies bluer (don't you hate it when the sky is blown out?), to fixing grass (say "good bye" to the brown spots),  to boosting colors and fixing skin tones, this set of actions has it all.

What I love most about these actions, is that you can make adjustments without giving your images that over-processed look.  And the MCP site has video tutorials to help you get on your way.

Below are a few examples of images I worked on using the Bag of Tricks set.  Be sure to visit the MCP Actions to see the wide array of fantastic tools they have available to turn your photos into works of art!

Before: Cheeks are too pink and colors in background faded.

After:  Redness reduced and background colors are  more vivid.

Before--image is a little dark and colors are faded.

After--using the Bag of Tricks, I was able to boost the colors and brighten my subjects's face.

Before--sky is washed out and colors are a bit faded.

After--a little sky enhancement and color boost and the photo went from good to WOW!

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