Friday, June 17, 2011

New View--Changing Perspective When Taking Photos

Do you ever find yourself taking a bunch of photos, loading them on your computer and then forgetting about them?    Of course, I'm referring to the photos you take for yourself not the ones for your clients. :)   Lately that seems to be my modus operandi.  I've been too swamped with other things (school auction, middle school graduation, son's birthday, a few photo jobs, etc.) and have not given my photos the attention they deserve.......

So this evening I decided to go through and edit some photos I took last month from my day trip to Filoli Gardens and I found myself appreciating the beauty of this wonderful place all over again.  If you have never been, you should definitely make the trip.  I have lived in California for  20 years and I am kicking myself for not visiting this gorgeous mansion and gardens sooner.

Anyway, that day I had so much fun shooting flowers from all sorts of different angles.  I'm sure the other tourists were wondering who the crazy lady was sprawled out on the ground taking pictures of flowers up towards the sky.  Or why without even looking through the lens, I would hold my camera at hip height and snap photos.  I was having a great time experimenting and the big lesson learned was changing your perspective can lead to very interesting photos.

Here are just a few of my favorites from the day......

Fabulous Foxgloves......

I'm not sure what these flowers are--some type of Agapanthus?

Poppin' Poppies

Do you have some fresh perspectives to share?  Leave a link to your favorite photos.  We'd love to see them!


  1. Yes, shifting perspective always helps get the creative juices going! Here are a few of mine:

  2. Cherish, your photos are great! Thanks for the link and Chasing dreams thanks for the kind words!


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