Tuesday, August 9, 2011

BEHIND THE LENS: Eva Creel, Hirschau Bayern Germany

We are so excited to feature the fantastic work of Eva Creel Photography.  We love her dreamy underwater images as well as her creative portraits.  Whether in the water or on land, she makes a splash!   We see a pool in our future and bet you will too!  And now we present to you Eva Creel......

Your Name: Eva G. Creel
Your Studio/Business Name: Eva Creel Photography
Location: Hirschau Bayern Germany

Your Style:

In 50 words or less, how would your clients describe your photography?
What I hear the most from my clients it that it’s impossible to pick their favorite image. When I hear that, I know I did my job.

Are you self-taught or classroom trained?
I learned the basics (aperture, shutter speed, ISO) back in the day of film in a class room. The wonderful thing about the field of photography is that it’s not limited to a class room. Photography is changing and growing everyday so further self education is so important to be able to evolve as an artist.

How many years have you been a professional photographer?
The definition of a professional is when you get paid for what you do. In that respect I made my first buck about 11 years ago. However I have not been working as a photographer the entire time. With underwater photography I am still a newborn, I haven’t even been at it for a year yet.
Where do you want to take your photography business in 5 years?
When you don’t know where you are going all roads look welcoming. My husband is in the Army so plans change often. The great thing about my camera is I can take it with me everywhere. *YAWN are you bored out of your mind yet? Lets spice it up. In 5 short years not only will I have a Senior in high school (scary) but celebrities from all over the globe will be coming to my indoor heated pool (okay maybe I’m hamming it up a bit) I mean to a public indoor pool that I will reserve for the day for underwater portraits. Just putting it out there in the universe.

Is there a photographer who inspires your style? Who would that be?
The late Richard Avedon and UK underwater photographer Zena Holloway.

Your Business:
What was the pivotal moment when you decided to become a photographer?
Photography for me has been and off and on thing. My first job as a photographer was for a small town newspaper. They actually weren’t looking to hire anyone but I was very persistent and came in person to the paper every Thursday until the editor had enough of me and gave me a crazy list of things to photograph and two rolls of film. I went back to the paper the next day with the rolls full, developed them in their dark room and started the best job of my life.

I moved to Germany and try as I like, I needed to eat and starving artist was unfortunately not my cup of tea so I packed up the camera for a little while, photographing friends and co-workers for food and got a real job. That sucked! Then I met my husband and we attained full custody of his six year old son. Although my son did not grow in my stomach he has grown in my heart and when his father deployed for the first time I quit my real job (yippy) to be able to give my new son the attention and love he needed. By that time digital was all the craze so I bought a new camera and rediscover my passion. Thanks kiddo ((wink)).
What’s the best marketing tip that has worked for you?
Word of mouth by far.    Do a sport team photo for a mom with a dozen kids and your email box will be full for a year with new clients.
What’s the most surprising thing a customer has asked you?
I did a wedding once were the bride wanted me to ‘spy’ on her guests. She didn’t speak German and she wanted me to pretend I didn’t either and report to her. That was strange. She also wanted me to wear formal clothing, heels and gloves. I was so sore  after the three day wedding (yes three days) I couldn’t move for another three days.   By the way they were not talking about her.

Favorite print lab?

Your Gear:

Are you Canon or Nikon (or – other):
I have both a Canon something or other and a Nikon something or other. I use the Nikon for my underwater because it fits in the underwater housing better. It’s not the camera or the gear, it’s knowing how to use it.  Back in my newspaper days I only had one 50mm lens. I shot everything with that bad boy and made the front page photo almost every week.

Are you a natural light fan or strobe fan?
I do like natural light when it’s yummy and not cold out but am so gratefully that I have an indoor studio with strobe lighting when it’s a grey German day.

Your Tips & Tricks:

What post processing tools do you use?
Photoshop CS whatever number we are on now. 4? 5? It’s ridiculous, it seems like as soon as I figure out all the new settings they go and change it on me again.

Do you shoot in Raw or Jpeg?
Underwater I shoot in RAW but every day photos I shoot in JPEG.

Best advice you would give your 20-year old self?
Stop waiting for something to happen and go make it happen for yourself. If you have an idea make it a reality even if it’s not going to make you any money. Follow your vision and others will begin to see it too.

Best advice you would give a new photographer?
‘NO’ is not a word to be afraid of. And your camera comes with a neck strap for a reason, put it around your neck.
What was your worst photography experience?
I was working for 13 months to get a studio set up on an Army base in Germany and it fell through. I was so turned off and heart broken by the whole thing that I didn’t touch my camera for over 6 months.  Back in the good ol’ days of the newspaper I forgot to put my editors film in the stop and ruined his whole roll, I cried because I thought I was going to get fired. It was my first real mistake and you bet I never did that again.

Because We Want to Know You More, Kindly Fill In the Blanks.....

Three things I can’t live without.....
Adventure, lip chap stick and a bathtub.

I wish I had more....
Closet room, German houses don't have closets.

The best thing about being a photographer is...
When I look at my work and think ‘Wow did I really just do that?’

The worst?
Photography is an addiction for me, I actually get high and when I don’t have a chance to photograph something for a day or two I go through withdrawal.

The most important lesson I ever learned was...
Use your neck strap!

My favorite time of day is...
When the city lights turn on, twilight.

And here are a few more images we are sure you'll love......



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