Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Color Palettes for Wardrobe Inspiration

I love Pinterest and lately what I find myself pinning are color inspiration boards by various color palette websites like Design Seeds, Photo Card Boutique and The Perfect Palette.

After perusing many of these sites, I was inspired to create my own boards.  I remembered that Rita from The Coffeeshop Blog had a great template on her site, so I decided to give it a try.  Needless to say, I was hooked.  I found myself looking through my collection of photos and spending hours designing a variety of color palette boards.

Below are a few examples of what I created.....

I love the soft colors from this tulip photo.  

The potted plant outside my door inspired me to create this board.

A trip Spain and this photo from Guell Park in Barcelona inspired this bright combination of colors.

I was thinking that these boards might come in handy when clients ask for suggestions on what colors to wear for their photo shoots.   I'm a big fan of mixing colors and not having everyone matching or wearing just white or black.   I'm hoping that these palettes will provide a little wardrobe inspiration for my clients   In any case, they were fun to create!   

Do you provide your clients with wardrobe or color inspiration boards?  We'd love to hear what you do.

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