Friday, January 21, 2011

FRIDAY FINDS: The Coffee Shop Blog

One of the best sites we have found for great tutorials, free elements, actions and photoshop templates can be found at THE COFFEE SHOP BLOG.  The blog is the creation of Rita, a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM), who home schools her two sons while creating these amazing photography tools for others to benefit from. 

Through Rita's site, we have learned how to create clipping masks, and develop some of our own Photoshop templates and actions.  Her site is a MUST SEE SITE!

Some of our favorite actions, storyboards and templates are from Rita, and a LOT of our know-how has come from her tutorials.  Stop by and say "hi" to her from us!  Her link:


  1. Hey guys, I'm an Aussie Mum who has just started my own photog blog. Just looking for some people to read me and not sure where to start and was hoping you might have some ideas. My website is Thanks for your ideas!

  2. Just thought I would post an exerpt from my latest post:
    "Yes, these moments were all framed in rectangles in my head and then all went flitting off into memories, destined to fade away, never to grace the beautiful, vivid, touchable beauty that is a photograph. But I cuddled my baby and was soon lost in my own little world of that cuddle. See on Tuesday, Maddie had a very high fever. I had never seen her like this before- there was something not right at all. There was something in the way she wailed that scared me. I woke my husband yelling, ‘babe, call an ambulance!"
    Just to give you an idea of my style..Thanks, Kath


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